


Introduction to Cultural Diplomacy

Introduction to Cultural Diplomacy

The course includes an analysis of the Athenian Strategy during the Peloponnesian War and presents conclusions about its results. The example of the Athenian Policy towards Milos is being used as a case study.

Civilization and Culture
Introduction to Theory I.

Introduction to Theory I.

Before learning and examining the concept of Cultural Diplomacy, it is particularly important to define the meaning of Culture, since it is the element that determines the nature of this diplomacy and at the same time differentiates it from the method and practices of traditional diplomacy.

Introduction to Theory II

Introduction to Theory II

Examining the concepts of culture and ideology gives the student a clear picture of the boundaries between intercultural dialogue and propaganda. The distinction between the two concepts helps to understand the origin of the terms "Public Diplomacy" and "Cultural Diplomacy".

Culture and Ideology
The Role of a Private Member
Introduction to Theory III

Introduction to Theory III

Lord Palmerston's claim that "states have no permanent friends but permanent interests" may have been right in its day, but in today's globalized and interdependent world, those states who lose friends can be won over by multinational corporations, banks, institutions, and non-governmental organizations.



In this course, an attempt is made to clarify the definition of Cultural Diplomacy and to examine its nature and purpose within the field of transnational relations. The tools and strategies with which states exert influence internationally are examined by the Power of Cultural Diplomacy

The Power of Cultural Diplomacy
Theory of Cultural Diplomacy
The Core Concepts of  Soft Power

The Core Concepts of Soft Power

The theoretical conflation in the international literature between the terms "Public Diplomacy," "Cultural Relations," and "Cultural Diplomacy," as well as the research field's limitation to events related to the Cold War and the ideological rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union, fail to clearly describe the nature of the object and to precisely set the boundaries of one practise over another in the exercise of states' foreign policy.

Introduction to Soft Power

Introduction to Soft Power

In the scientific field of political science, the concept of power has always been one of the most essential and central issues in the study of transnational relations. In today's networked and digitally evolving world, the ability of a state or a private entity to influence international audiences is more important than ever.

Soft Power: Part 1
Soft Power: Part 2
The Use of Soft Power

The Use of Soft Power

This chapter examines the use of soft power as a tool to showcase a positive image of states in their international life. A state's reputation largely determines its ability to form alliances, provide loans, attract tourism, or host major sporting events.

The role of Museums

The role of Museums

This course analyzes the role of museums in the conduct of foreign policy and takes into account the international practices of museums in the context of Cultural Diplomacy.

The tools of Cultural Diplomacy
The Melodrama
Opera Diplomacy

Opera Diplomacy

The term "Opera Diplomacy" is used in the scientific field of Cultural Diplomacy to describe the strategies of states that use opera to communicate their national symbols.

Ballet Diplomacy

Ballet Diplomacy

This course examines classical dance as a policy of promoting the national narrative. Examples of cultural policy of states that have pursued past and present foreign policy through ballet and the art of dance are taken into account.

Dance Drama
Visual Arts
The Symbols in Painting

The Symbols in Painting

The symbolism that dominates painting is a tool to showcase the image of states and their political power. This course focuses on the analysis of the symbols behind the works of art, delving into the way in which influence is exerted in transnational relations.

Culinary Diplomacy

Culinary Diplomacy

Food has the power to transform perceptions of the "other" and to help create a more attractive image for a people. The manners used during meals, ritual meals, dietary prohibitions and taboos, the sort of food consumed, as well as its serving or presentation at the table, all stem from a people's culture and indicate the way in which it links its members.

Industrial Diplomacy
Brand Diplomacy

Brand Diplomacy

In this section, the student has the opportunity to delve into the concepts of "Branding" and "Nation Branding". Specifically, the role of "Brands" as tools for influencing the foreign policy of states is examined.

Digital Diplomacy

Digital Diplomacy

The rapid increase in connectivity and the gradual digital transformation of societies have brought about radical changes in the way foreign policy is conducted between states. This chapter examines the interaction of states, but also of private actors in the virtual-potential space.

Digital Diplomacy
Parliamentary Diplomacy
Parliamentary Diplomacy

Parliamentary Diplomacy

Parliamentary Diplomacy is seen as a kind of policy that links traditional diplomacy with public diplomacy and aims to spread the government's narrative in order to enhance credibility.

Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism

In this section, the study revolves around the use of cultural policy through geographical areas with rich cultural heritage. The emphasis is on managing the place's brand identity as well as the comparative advantages of its tourism offering.

Cultural Tourism
Comparative Study of Religions
Diplomacy of Church

Diplomacy of Church

A prerequisite for developing a coherent image of a state in the exercise of Cultural Diplomacy is knowledge and proper understanding of other people's cultures, free of preconceptions and stereotypes that frequently lead to misunderstandings between the parties. The research in this chapter focuses on the most significant cultural differences between Western and Eastern cultures.

Sports Diplomacy

Sports Diplomacy

This course analyzes how states use sport to enhance their national prestige and expand their regional and global influence.

Sports in Cultural Diplomacy
Diplomacy and Fashion
Fashion Diplomacy

Fashion Diplomacy

The Soft Power of "Fashion Brands" and how they foster people's culture are investigated in relation to fashion in diplomacy. A product's purchase includes not only the literal reality of the object but also the culture of an overall population.




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Τhey said about Cultural

Diplomacy Courses


"I had an excellent experience choosing these courses. Their topics include the fundamental and necessary elements that someone who decides to enrich his/her knowledge in the field of Cultural Diplomacy needs to know. The composition of each course is distinct so that the combination of all of them creates a mosaic of interrelated ideas and information that help the student to further develop his/her scientific thinking. Mr. Kapsaski's innate talent for teaching is a source of inspiration not only because of the way he approaches and conducts his courses but mainly because of his willingness to support as much as possible young scientists who decide to enter the field. The student actively participates during the lessons which provides the opportunity to freely express any thoughts and concerns that may arise, thus preparing the ground for a healthy student-teacher dialogue. The courses are undoubtedly an innovative initiative aimed at exploring and understanding basic, and not only, concepts of Cultural Diplomacy."

4 Nov 2021 @ 01:41 AM

IOANNA BASILIKI RHGATOU for Cultural Diplomacy courses


The implementation of the cultural diplomacy course in the field of sports is commendable! The lesson was conducted in interaction; listeners with teacher; and the examples that were discussed facilitated a more direct understanding of the material! I recommend it to anyone interested and I recommend it to colleagues in the field of sports!

18 Nov 2021 @ 23:09 PM

KRIMPENI GEORGIA for Cultural Diplomacy courses in the sports


Παρακολούθησα και συμμετείχα επιτυχώς στον δεύτερο κύκλο του πενταήμερου Σεμιναρίου Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας. Εξαιρετική εμπειρία και εξιέπαινη η υλοποίηση του προγράμματος απο το Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας. Το συνιστώ ως προς τον κάθε ενδιαφερόμενο και το προτείνω σε συναδέλφους σε Κύπρο ,Ελλάδα και Διασπορά.

23 Nov 2021 @ 12:11 PM

Σάββας Σταύρου για τα μαθήματα της Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας


Τα μαθήματα πολιτιστικής διπλωματίας ήταν από τις σπουδαιότερες «επενδύσεις» για την διεύρυνση και τον εμπλουτισμό των γνώσεων μου πανω στο αντικείμενο άσκησης εξωτερικής πολιτικής μιας χώρας και ιδίως της Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας η οποία ασκείται με την εφαρμογή της ήπιας ισχύος. Τα μαθήματα διεξάχθηκαν υπό την εποπτεία του Πέτρου Καψάσκη , ο οποίος , με πρόσχαρο και προσαρμοσμένο στο ευρύ κοινό , τρόπο , με εισήγαγε στο εν λόγω αντικείμενο . Αξίζει δε να τονιστεί πως , ο κύριος Καψάσκης πληροί όλα εκείνα τα γνωρίσματα που συνθέτουν το προφίλ ενός έμπειρου , καταρτισμένου και συνεπούς ακαδημαϊκού ,ικανού να μετατρέψει την άγνοια σε γνώση και να εξαλείψει την σύγχυση που ενδεχομένως κάποιος αισθάνεται σε μια εποχή και κοινωνία «πολλών ταυτοτήτων» , παρέχοντας , με την αξιοποίηση του ευρέους πεδίου γνώσεων και εμπειριών που διαθέτει, τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές για την απόκτηση (ή εδραίωση) επίγνωσης του ρόλου και των δυνατοτήτων μας ως ενεργών μελών μιας κοινωνίας στην προβολή της Ελλάδας στη διεθνή σκηνή.

24 Nov 2021 @ 17:33 PM

Βέρα Γιάρις για τα μαθήματα της Πολιτιστικής Διπλωματίας


“Εξαιρετική εμπειρία! Με σκοπό να διευρύνω τις γνώσεις μου στον ψηφιακό κόσμο και να μάθω πως τα κράτη χρησιμοποιούν αυτά τα εργαλεία για την επιδίωξη των στόχων της εξωτερικής τους πολιτικής, για να διαμορφώνουν την εικόνα και τη φήμη τους στο εξωτερικό και να επηρεάζουν τη διεθνή κοινή γνώμη στην εποχή της πληροφορικής επανάστασης, παρακολούθησα τα συγκεκριμένα μαθήματα και μπορώ να πω πως έλαβα τα μέγιστα και εμπλούτισα τις γνώσεις μου κατα τρόπο ξεχωριστό!”

11 Nov 2021 @ 10:46 AM

Ζωή Αναστασοπούλου για τα μαθήματα της Ψηφιακής Διπλωματίας
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